
Spider man 2000 tv tropes
Spider man 2000 tv tropes

A squash court at the University of Chicago was the site of the world's first controlled nuclear reaction.Ĭhicago has a public rail system called the 'L,' a combination of subways and elevated tracks that radiates from a loop around the city center towards the city's edges and (in some cases) the surrounding suburbs. Blacks, fleeing the Jim Crow south, made it a blues center.

spider man 2000 tv tropes

ĭuring the Prohibition period, it was the home base of Al Capone. Aside from that, the city had a massive fire in 1871, widely suspected in Urban Legend of having been started by a cow, which leveled much of the city and killed 200-300 people. Its nickname of "The Windy City" comes from the Lake Michigan breezes that rattle around the skyscrapers, but wisecrackers will tell you it's from boastful windbag politicians. It's the third most populous city in the United States and a fabled fortress of jazz, organized crime, Michael Jordan, Daaaaaa Bearsss, the 1893 World's Fair, deep-dish pizza, Frank Lloyd Wright, house music, improvisational theatre, two baseball teams known for perennial mediocrity which fiercely battle for the city's love/scorn, skyscrapers, revolving doors, a very pleasant lakefront, very unpleasant winters, our current president, and a certain roughneck Midwestern charm. We shit you not: it was what was growing in the swampland that was perfectly situated for continental-scale commerce. The name comes from the Algonquian word shikaakwa, or "wild onion". PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.Ĭhicago, Illinois: incorporated in 1837.

spider man 2000 tv tropes

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spider man 2000 tv tropes spider man 2000 tv tropes

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  • Spider man 2000 tv tropes